
विश्व वातावरण दिवसमा ‘यसाे भन्छन् विद्यार्थीहरू’

पानामा मात्र सीमित

Only June 5!

Rakshya Ball

"World Environment Day" is always celebrated on June 5 every year. This day is related with the surrounding, and the environment, human being is living in. World Environment Day is celebrated in motive to conserve or protect the environment that we people are staying on. Environment is an important part of our human life; our each and every memory is related with it. Womb to Tomb we be with this environment grown up, make memory. For all environments is their friend.

On the day of "World Environment Day", we see a lot of post, slogan, quotes related to "save tree save environment". For a whole day, and people cleaning roads, forest, etc. just for day cause its "World Environment Day" Just to show others. But, people just presents as if they cleaned their society for one day they got big achievement but the person who cleans their society, community every year they don't give respect to them.

Instead of respect they treat them ill. We raise our voice for our rights. But, why we aren't doing our duty to fulfill their right. Slogan and one day cleanness project is not enough and effective than planting trees, making proper rules for hazardous industries, maintaining drainage and actually implement the slogan "save tree for all" in our real life.

Environment has been our friend from birth to death. But, we can't be friends with environment, why we betray environment! Instead of minimizing pollution, we are rapidly increasing it due to which we are destroying our environment. Pollution in air, water, land and others is directly or indirectly hampering our environment locally or globally. Global warming has been increased, Ozen layer depletion, which are facing harmful ultra violets raying to enter our earth and destroy of our environment.

Due to global warming snow has started melting which is hampering the animals living in snow and even the plants both are disappearing that are hampering the ecosystem. If the ecosystem is damaged the whole thing is damaged, we can't do anything. Even the countries/Island is in danger cause the snow is melting and the water of sea level is increasing which affects the countries surrounded by the seas.

Environment day is not for one day but it should be celebrated every day. We have to protect the environment and save the environment. We should short taking action to the hazardous industries and activities. Therefore, we could protect environment, if we can't do that then at least we can stop using plastics products and use decaying or eco friendly product which is environment friendly.

Our one contribution to of future generation. So, to conserve environment, we start work from now and today. As said, "One pin of blood can save a life of people; our one step forward to conserving environment can save the life of billion lives."

‘वातावरणको रक्षा नै जीवन अनि पृथ्वीको रक्षा हो’

सुस्मिता बुढाथाेकी

जीवन सुरु हुन्छ वातावरणबाट अनि अन्त्य पनि वातावरण मै हुने गर्छ । जसरी सुर्यबिना उज्यालोको कल्पना गर्न सकिदैँन त्यसैगरी वातावरणबिना जीवनको कल्पना सम्भव छैन । वातावरणको संरक्षण गर्नु प्रत्येक व्यक्त्तिको पहिलो कर्तव्य हो । यही कर्तव्यलाई मध्यनजर गदैँ सन् १९७३ सालबाट विश्व वातावरण दिवश अवसर पारेर राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा विभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरुको आयोजना गर्ने गरिन्छ । वातावरणको संरक्षण गर्नका लागि दैनिक विभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरु आयोजना गर्ने गरिन्छ तर पनि आजको बढ्दो सहरीकरण र विकासको कारण विभिन्न कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गरे पनि वातावरणको संरक्षण गर्न सकिरहेको छैन । हाम्रो देशलाई हेर्ने हो भने पनि वातावरणको स्थिति दिन प्रतिदिन बिग्रिदैँ गएको पाइन्छ । मानिसको बढ्दो व्यस्त जीवन र भागदौडले वातावरणलाई धेरै नै असर परेको पाइन्छ । स्वच्छ र निस्चल स्पमा बग्ने नेपालका ती खोलानालाहरु  दिन प्रतिदिन दुषित हुँदै गएका छन् । प्रदुषित पानीको कारण मानिस र जिवजन्तुको जीवन कष्टकर भईरहेको छ ।

नेपाल एक अति सुन्दर देशको रुपमा चिनिन्छ । यहाँ जताततै हिमाल नै हिमालहरु रहेका छन् । तर आजको प्रदुषित वातावरणको कारण त्यो हिमालको हिउँहरु दिन प्रतिदिन पग्लिदैँ गएका छन् । डर छ कि कुनै दिन नेपाल हिमालयहरुको देश हो भन्ने कुरा इतिहास चाहिँ नबनोस्, मानिसको लापरवाही र स्वार्थीपनाले वातावरण दुषित बन्दै गईरहेको छ । धनी हुने लालचले वनजङगलको फडानीको साथै जिवजन्तुको बेचबिखन गर्ने कार्यहरु बढिरहेका छन् । मानिस सबैभन्दा सर्बश्रेष्ठ प्राणी भएता पनि यस शहरकोबिच काम गदैँ वातावरणको संरक्षणको साटो त्यसको असंरक्षण गरिरहेको छ ।

विश्व वातावरण दिवश पनि पानामा मात्र सीमित भएको छ । पानामा मा त हामीले धेरै कानुन र ठुला ठुला कुराहरु लेखेका छौँ वातावरण संरक्षण्को बारेमा तर आफ्नो वास्तविक जीवनमा संरक्षक भन्दा पनि भक्षको रुपमा हामी रहेका छौँ । ती पानामा लेखिएको कुरा हामीले आफ्नो दैनिक जीवनमा उर्तान सके मात्र हामीले वातावरणको संरक्षण गर्न सक्छौँ ।  जब वातावरणको संरक्षण गरिन्छ तब मात्र हामीले आफ्नो जीवन अझै हजारौँ वर्षसम्म यस पृथ्वीमा जीवित गर्न सक्छौँ । वातावरणको रक्षा नै जीवन अनि पृथ्वीको रक्षा हो ।

Biggest day "World environment day"

Biriman Tamang

World environment day is the biggest day, where people show how we should save the tree and we should clean our environment. This type of day has been started from june 5, 1973 where people involved with each other and start this program related with environment.

People teach other how the clean environment helps to developed a health of human. How it helps to animals, birds etc to live happy life. Environment is the main thing which helps all the living thing to live happily. Not only in world environment day people to clean and make environment better. If should be always clean and make the happy life.

In world environment day all the people participate and rise the voice for saving a tree, plants etc. from the school student also participate and make the a slogan for world health environment and aware all the people since the first started of world environmental day there are small changes to the environment.

People started to clean the bagmati river and people started grow up many tree and plants in many cities areas too. If the tree and plant are not grown then there maybe biggest change coming of flood, landslide etc. so, to save like this problem people started a world environment day and save a other living things life world environment has started. If the tree, plant are not save a the other living things may not have a home to live and there may not be better oxygen. People should always thing about other living things and advantages of saving a tree, plants etc. if the world environment is not started there may cause many problems of pollution, flood etc and other living being also came to live in city areas which may be dangerous.

World environment is the program which will be till if the people and better environment isn't formed. People to rely to the streets and they do a planting in many areas. Where there is loss tress and plant. So, like the world environment program their should many program that benefits the all the living creation.


जुनु उप्रेती

वरिपरि छन् सजीव र निर्जीव प्राणी
सबैका छन् आ-आफनै कहानी
 बस्छन सबैजना मिलेर 
एक आपसमा साझेदारी गरेर ।

म बस्ने मेरो वातावरण प्रदुषीत हुँदैछ,
 हरेक प्राणीले आफ्नो दुःख पीउँदैछ,
 हे मानव यो प्रकृतिलाई माया गर्न सिक
 हातेमालो गरेर वृक्षारोपण गर ।।

वरिपरी फालिएका फोहोरले मेरो स्वास्थ बिगार्दै छ,
मेरो आयु घटाउँदैछ,
कसलाइ गएर भनु म यसो नगर,
 बिनाशकारी पहिरो रोक्न वृक्षारोपण गर ।।।

विश्व वातावरण दिवस भन्दै नारा लगाउँदै हिँड्छन्,
 भोलिपल्ट मेरो अपमान गरेर यही फोहोर फाल्छन्
 युएनले घोषण गरिदियो मेरो सम्मान गर्ने दिन
 हे मानव जाति नगर मेरो अपमान छिनका छिन् ।।।।


"Place where everything has its own value"

Rabina Budhathoki

Environment means the place, surroundings where different living and non-living things stay. It is the place where everything has its own value. "World Environment Day" is the day which has been started by UN from 1973 and is celebrated at June 5 each year. It is the day where different programs from different places and organizations are performed to make the people aware and give some more ideas regarding clean environment.

We have a slogan, "Clean environment is the green environment." Which means environment must be kept clean and green to get a good. Fresh air which is very difficult to get nowadays. Pollution, deforestation, population growth, natural calamities etc make the environment polluted and unhealthy.

Dirt, dust have make our environment hampered by which many people are getting sick and are getting commonly disease like cough and cold too early. The fresh air which we get from trees, plants is nowadays being cutoff as the increasing population of our country.

World Environment Day helps the people from different organization to give the knowledge regarding environment and give some helpful information. Therefore, environment must be kept clean and green not only in environment day but also always.

Yes! 'World environment Day'

Ninambung Rai

World environment day is a campaign established to bring some positive environmental change all over the world to make life better and more natural. Environmental issues are big issues. Nowadays to which everyone must be aware and positive efforts should be taken to solve such issues. Position of any country in the form of students is big hope to environment full of pollution.

World environment day is a campaign celebrated every year by the people worldwide on 5th of June. This campaign was established to raise the global awareness among people about the environmental issues as well as taken positive environmental issues as well as taken positive environmental action. This day was created for environmental issues and become active agents at the eco friendly development worldwide.

 It is to promote people to change their altitude towards the environment for making a safe future. The main objectives of this campaign are encouraged among the public through social media and celebrities for the attraction at the public towards this campaign.

"Everything has Alternatives except Our Mother Earth"

Susan Shrestha

Rather than saying slogan, save environment save earth only, it's better to do any small things from our side. Everything has Alternatives except Our Mother Earth. Keeping this on mind we are supposed to do action of cleaning the garbage around our house. Seeing this other people also change the way they think. And they also clean the surroundings. By proper disposal of wastes. These thoughts can change the society, community and nation as a whole.

5th June, very important day among the year celebrated as world Environment Day. Such celebration was started back from 5th June 1973. But its not fair to celebrate one day as world environment day and remaining 364 days damaging it.

Environment is a place that provides shelter to every creature that the nature has created. Uses of plastics and other undergrable products damage the environment in a serious way. We get to see the oceans and land are filling with plastics bags and bottles, which never decay. I just watched a film few days before where a bird has eaten so many plastics of small pieces and recued by specialists.  They made that bird to vomit using some toads so that they could save the life of that bird. And another was a whale fish which was died after having lots of plastics bags. This is so serious problem that the development other creature lives.

We live in a environment where people cuts the trees and teaches student and other peoples not to cut trees. Being aware cutting trees and deforestation brings destruction with it. They continue to cut trees. Such things bring landside. Floods soil erosion etc kinds of natural disasters. We the people not only destroying the environment but destroying the earth and minimizing the earth life.

In the name of development we are destroying our home i.e. earth. Without taking a mask with us we cannot go outside due to the high pollution and dust. This problem has brought so many health problems in humans. Asthma, common cold untimely sick etc are the some few health problems they we get in now a days. And it also has shorten and minimizing human life.

With all deeds we human beings are not doings works from which we can proudly say ourselves as human.  Being human we say ourselves but we not do even something that brings close to us with the term being human. We can have alternatives of everything but not of earth. So it is the duty of every human to save our mother earth from destruction.

Everyone to preserve the enviroment

Rebecca Adhikari

World enviroment day is celebrate in all aver the world, it is celebrated in 5th june, This day is started by UN. world  enviroment day is mostly focused on sanitary of the enviroment.

World enviroment day brings many changes in enviroment, since 1973 the world enviroment day is being practiced and the aim of this day is to protect the enviroment and to preserve the nature of enviroment.

Tn the context of Nepal we can find many parks and public areas it helps to manage sanitary of enviroment. world enviroment day motivates everyone to preserve the enviroment.

Preserving enviroment is like preserving health. Enviroment pollution and cutting trees brings deforestation, landslides, floods etc. Takeing cair of enviroment is very essential . To live a healthy and peaceful life with the planet there must be preservation of enviroment .

Around the world there are different climates like summer, winter, rainy, autumn, snow day etc . Each season brings changes in the enviroment. like in terai region we can find more summerand it is alsobought dealth of population becouse of less plantation . Planting tree is necessary to bring fresh air in summer, like wise in different part of the world there is ise land where we can find full of snow. in those area prople are not able to preserve becouse of more use  of material like plastics. throwing dust material in snowy areas are creating pollution and increasing the death of sealion and penguins, so preserving each and every place is necessary . World enviroment day makes each and every people to realise the importance of preserving the enviroment.

World enviroment day is one of the important day in our planet. Earth is the planet where we can find many natutral resources and also oceans. If we preserve it then it is benificial for us so to preserve our enviroment is essential

Enviroment provides so much things

Sujan Shrestha

Enviroment means the sorounding where we all human beings, animal, birds, etc live. Today june 5, the day where we all human being celebrate as the world enviroment day. People in this day clean there sorounding and celebrate .

In Nepal world enviroment day is started from 1973 AD to celebrate from UN in the enviroment day people organize different program for protecting or for awering the people about the enviroment. Such as  planting trees celebrating enviroment . Every thing in thisworld have its advantage and disadvantages.

 From the enviroment we human get different benefits. we get wood fresh air the view of mountain through which we get little bit relaxation. Enviroment provides so much things. It doesn’t treat human being differently. This tree gives us much more  wood or anything.

Some time due to the natural climate it harms us but most of the times it makes us feel good. such as deforestation landslide earthquake etc by such climates we human being sometime gets hurt . mainly now a days pollution has been increased . its  becouse of human being themself.

People are suffering from different typesof diseses such as common cold astama etc. Due to the pollution global warming is caused. Due to the global warming different plants are dead. Indirectly it is harming human being.

सबै विद्यार्थीहरू अर्किड इन्टरनेशनल कलेज मानविकी तथा सामाजिक शास्त्र संकाय अन्तर्गत स्नातक तह प्रथम वर्षमा अध्ययनरत छन् ।




गाउँ सहर डेस्क

तपाईँको मत